Enrico Maestrini "art"




Paintings and sculpture

In this new section I present a rich collection of modern art.

I have always been impressed by the strenght of the 20th Century art. This is why I collected over 300 paintings and sculptures. A real museal project which illustrates the most spread art of the past century through the presentation of minor artists, unknown or anonymous.

I chose the items for their cultural meaning and for their peculiar elaboration of the message and techniques of the great masters.


Another important chapter of modern art is photography, which upsets art. Here comes the catalog of my collection of photografs from Milan. Among the authors, Emilio Sommariva, who worked in close contact with the futurists. You can download the catalogs from this page (in Italian)

Works of art

The fascinascion of ceramics and glasses, and in general of the arts of the fire has always hit the fantasy of many different artists. Here I show some examples and will soon upload a catalog of glasses from Murano.



E. Sommariva

Portrait (1 of 3)

15 x 11 cm


E. Sommariva

Portrait (2 of 3)

15 x 11 cm


E. Sommariva

Portrait (3 of 3)

15 x 11 cm


Giuseppe Chiari

Intervento su spartito

29.7 x 21 cm


Emilio Greco

Erma bifronte

ink on paper, 33 x 27 cm




bronze leaf

height 105 cm, about 1970


Ceramics dish

Ibis Cunardo

diameter 40 cm


Oscar Albrito


ceramics from Albissola

height 45 cm


Felice Broggi

Natura morta

oil on canvas

110 x 100 cm, 1980


Walter Lazzarini

Action painting, tribute to Pollock

oil on canvas

50 x 70 cm


M. Cusumano

Un tema ancestrale

oil on canvas

100 x 70 cm, 1961